Increasing Your Search Engine Results

I recently read a great post detailing the top 10 benchmarks a search engine will use to rank your pages. Surprisingly, two of the most heavily weighted search engine factors are easily within our control. These are page level links (hyperlinks), as well as keyword usage. Labels and meta tags are also huge for search engine optimization. Trust in a proper domain goes along way as well, so it is essential to blog through a major blog source(ie: blogger, wordpress, squarespace) at least until you generate a loyal group of readers. Another great source reaffirms that to get on top of the search enginees, not only must you be relevant, but it must be highly valued by the consumer. The more customization, dynamic content, and new solutions you implement, the more 'perceived worth' your site will hold. Finally, The E-Commerce News offers fantastic advice, such as tailor content to play with 'search engine spiders', utilize meta-tags, and update frequently. I will be coming back with subsequent posts on search engine optimization, SEO, as well as some great live workshops on blog writing, web presence, and technical topics for the layman at a new Pocono meeting location.