Independent Cyber News

With all the news media recently about hacking, and so many different perspectives floating around, I thought it was extremely important to get a professional, independent perspective. Freedom of information is a valuable concept, and can only truly come about when grass-roots individuals, who are unswayed by political or corporate agenda, give honest opinions and research. Blogging is a fantastic channel for this, as anyone can create an account and publish their works instantly. Unfortunately, this creates the problem of telling the quality works apart from "run-of-the-mill reporting", which is where search engine optimization comes in. These 'stand alone' blogs don't get the same indexing as blogs with corporate backings, or hack news sights that irresponsibly chase the latest release. No, these quality works must be sought after if you want to attain the real story. Thats where I come in. I believe the independent thinkers of our day should have an equal voice, not drowned out by the major news organizations. Here I attempt to bring a digest of well researched information, that links to other independent research across the web. Freedom of information needs a pure future, without the corruption and political sway of major governments. Help support the cause by spreading the word, following the blog, and learning every day.