Indian States & Their Global Equivalents

Sometimes a single picture can reveal more than a thousand-word story. 

Today's Daily Chart on The Economist Web site carries a terrific feature: the global equivalents of Indian states - in terms of GDP, GDP per person, and population.

You can access this interactive feature here.

A couple of years back, I found a similar map from Strange Maps, a Web site now renamed 'big think'. Though the map below is based on 2007 GDP figures, it still reveals a lot about the size of the GDP of these states and their global equivalents.

If we take the 2010 GDP figures, then the GDP of India at U.S.$1.4 trillion would be almost equal to the GDP of Texas, but would be less than the GDP of California (U.S.$1.8 trillion)!

In the next few days, I will post a few more 'equivalents' pictures.