Kingston launches "Get the Kingston Edgeperience" Campaign in India
Kingston Technology has launched a new advertising campaign called "Get the Kingston Edgeperience" campaign. The campaign will debut this month and aims to position Kingston as a brand with an edge and which inspires trust. The idea is a flawless fit for Kingston, the world leader in memory products, who has gained a sizeable market share in India in 2010 and aims to further its success in 2011.
The central theme of the campaign is "trust" and "edge over competition". Kingston has been inspiring its trust in the world of technology for the past two decades. With more than 200 state-of-the-art products and religiously followed stringent quality check, Kingston Technology gives its consumers the ultimate edgeperience of enhanced computing. Kingston products offer optimized performance and increased productivity to its users, giving them the winning advantage over competitors.
Vishal Parekh, Marketing Director, Kingston Technology (India), said, "Kingston has launched the "Get the Kingston Edgeperience"campaign to further consolidate its position as a market leader in India. The campaign aims to deliver the message of 'Trust' to its target audience. We chose trust as the brand promise since it was relevant and also a great image enhancer."
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