New App @ HP Labs India


New App @ HP Labs India

HP Labs India has released its "Personalized Video" application. This application delivers a high level of content personalization to its users through innovative algorithms and smart use of local computing power. Researchers at HP Labs believe that video will dominate the Internet experience in non-English speaking countries such as India.

"At HP Labs, we believe that video will dominate the Internet in India primarily due to the ease with which content in local languages can be accessed," said Sudhir Dixit, Director, HP Labs India. "A key focus at HP Labs India is to innovate for the next one billion HP customers and we believe innovating for them requires a more collaborative approach."

The application also allows for the creation of a special channel that can be used by third parties to push video content to a user based on viewing habits and location.

According to Krishnan Ramanathan, Senior Research Scientist, HP Labs India, "The number of videos available online runs in the order of billions and this can be overwhelming for the average user. We have designed the application to deliver a truly personalized experience through user defined channels that deliver highly relevant videos based on user supplied topics. These channels will only deliver videos that are relevant to the topic supplied and we are able deliver this through innovative algorithms developed at HP Labs." Therefore, the application has a "suggestions" channel where videos are recommended based on the user click-troughs in the user defined channels.

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