RSA SecurID linked to Lockheed hack

RSA spokesperson, Arthur W. Coviello, unveiled today that the SecurID breach was in fact related to the attack on Lockheed. As a result, RSA is now offering to replace SecurID devices, as well as promoting risk based authentication services. This is extremely valuable information, and goes to support my previous claims that the SecurID has greatly depreciated in value. So if you haven't before, please consider the security of your dual authentication. The announcement goes on to explain that the hackers don't seem to be interested in monetary gain, fame/defamation, or personally identifiable information. The hackers seem to be focusing their interests in business and defensive trade secrets. Now, I hate to throw around conjecture, but this seems to accurately fit the modus of operandi of the Chinese cyber force. Coupled with the recent Pentagon announcement, this could be a precursor to a serious cyber war in the near future. Stay alert friends!