Starting the RoleTailored Client from a Command Prompt

Hi all,

we all face situations where clients ask for some specific requirement as per user, as in he want that user cannot see anything other than a certain page or something like this. By using command line parameters we can achieve that.

You can start the RoleTailored client at a command prompt. By adding command-line parameters, you can:

Start the RoleTailored client with a profile other than the default profile.
Configure a profile.
Start the RoleTailored client with a language other than the default language.
Start the RoleTailored client with client settings other than the default client settings.
Start the RoleTailored client and open the specified page.
Start the RoleTailored client and open the specified report.

To run the RoleTailored client at a command prompt, open a command-prompt window and navigate to the RoleTailored client directory. The default location is: Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client

The executable name is: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe

You can also start the RoleTailored client from the address bar in a browser or from a Run window using the same options. To start the RoleTailored client from a browser, type DynamicsNAV:////

Command-Line Parameters

You can use the following parameters when you start the RoleTailored client at a command prompt.

-?                         Displays this list of parameters.
URL                         Opens the RoleTailored client to a particular page or with a particular report.
-profile: id          Starts the RoleTailored client with the specified profile.

-language: id           Starts the RoleTailored client with the specified language.                       
-settings: file          Starts the RoleTailored client with the specified settings file.

-failurestacktrace    Sends the stack trace for the RoleTailored client to Windows Clipboard.

-disablepersonalization       users are not able to personalize.

-configure              Starts the RoleTailored client in configuration mode. Use configuration mode to configure 
                               a profile.

The best one I find is  -?

It tells you about all the options we can have in RTC while running from command line. And at the same time it gives you example of all the commands discussed above.

Output when we run the command prompt parameter -?. 

These commands can be used to create shortcuts for RTC with the parameter discussed above and the user will get what he wants, when he start RTC with the Shortcuts.

Saurav Dhyani