Amazon all set for launch in India next year


Amazon all set for launch in India next year

Amazon. com is set to enter India, riding on the second wave of ecommerce boom in India. Amazon is in discussions with leading Indian e-commerce players like, and Exclusively .in, among others and may enter the market as early as the first quarter of next year.

Acquiring Indian players has been the dominant theme for foreign majors looking to enter Indian market with eBay acquiring and Groupon picking up to enter the market. According to industrial source Amazon is looking to set up operations on its own as its discussions with many players on acquisition front haven't seemed to work out. Indian players see the huge potential in the e-commerce segment here and so have so far been resistant to being bought out easily. Amazon is likely to ramp up through inorganic ways later, depending on market growth and their performance relative to competition. Hiring is currently in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai to fill up the various positions in this team, say sources. A team of over 200 people is being built, though all of them might not end up in the core retail arm.

Amazon is also establishing a warehouse in Mumbai, a standard step before entering the e-commerce space going by what Amazon has been doing globally.

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