Book Review: "The Best Of 2600 [A Hacker Odyssey]"

The Best Of 2600 by Emmanuel Goldstein is a collection of the fantastic articles from the infamous: 2600 Magazine, The Hacker Quarterly. Started by Mr.Goldstein in 1984 The Hacker Quarterly has reported on many historic hackers and the counter culture movement in general. With 1,000+ articles published to 2600, "The Best Of" is massively entertaining, informative, and even historic. Articles span the topics of: the hacking underground, the federal response to hackers, the media's dramatization of hacking, the changing technologies, hacking retail stores, and historic legal proceedings. Over 834 pages of easy read articles, which are no longer than 1-2 pages, The Best Of 2600 can be opened to any page with readers capable of digesting the article in under 15 minutes. This also makes it a fantastic coffee table book, as guests can pick it up, quickly finish an article, then be inspired to start tech or hacker related conversations (which any geek would love). Articles range from talking about the first atomic bomb testing, all the way to hacking soda machines, Home Depot, and Walmart. Thus, whether you've been in this field for a long time, or just got involved, this book is bound to teach tons, and makes a great collector's item as well. It also provides a great history of phreaking and hacking throughout the 80s right into modern day issues, proving itself as a valuable teaching tool.
You can check out the 2600 website.
And you can get this great book, real cheap.