Digikam 2.0.0 SlackBuild Update

I love photos and i love Digikam that can manage my photos very well. I like it even more since it's open source and very customizable. It also has SlackBuild script for creating a native Slackware package, thanks to the SlackBuilds project and also to Frank Caraballo who maintained the script.

The SlackBuild was submitted when Digikam was still in 1.9.0 and now 2.0.0 has come up. What happened if i used it to compile 2.0.0? Does it work? The answer is YES!!! It does work, but there's some modifications that you need to do to make it even better. The new Digikam 2.0.0 come up with less documentation, so you can delete them in the SlackBuild or you will see several errors saying that it cannot stats the file.

Basically, you only need to change the VERSION line and also change
cp -a \
cp -a \

After that, you could start compiling by running the updated SlackBuild to compile Digikam 2.0.0.

Lots of new features has been integrated in Digikam 2.0.0 and most of the dependencies are already contained within the Digikam source, so no more third party libraries, except for OpenCV in which you need to install it by yourself (SlackBuild script is available though). It's all included in extra/ directory inside the source. This includes libkdcraw, libkface, libkipi, libmediawiki, kipi-plugins, libkexiv2, libkgeomap, and libksane. If you don't have those libraries on your system, it will use it's internal version, so just a single source of Digikam will be sufficient to build.

FYI, i used FFMPEG-0.6.3 from AlienBOB's repository and OpenCV-2.3.0, the latest version available nowadays to build this package. Suppose you want to have a successful build, try the same combination i used.