It's time for a little vacation (and a gift)

Today I'm on vacation. Yes! Even The web thought goes on holiday... Last year I suspended for a while the publishing of new articles. This year I plan to do it differently, but - as you may understand - vacation means relaxing and getting away from ... ... well ... thinking. I'm going to switch my brain off and enjoy my family (my two little kids will eventually drain all my forces during this period).

I'm planning to publish articles as usual during a two weeks period. At the same time, the posts won't be too much on the technical side, but lighter or of general interest.

In the meantime if you would like to have all the post published on The web thought during its first year of existence, please leave a comment in the section below with your email; I will send you the pdf  as soon as possible.

So, please enjoy your summer and see you soon!