Wordpress 3.2 Released - Much More Secure

Wordpress has just released wordpress 3.2 a couple of hours ago, Wordpress 3.2 comes with lots of major and minor bug fixes. Wordpress 3.2 is much more secure than previous versions as it comes with lots of security patches and fixes. WordPress 3.2 requires a minimum of MySql 5.0.15 and PHP 5.2.4. If you are facing some errors kindly contact your hosting immediately.

Wordpress 3.2 also comes with a very neat and clean design, with a fully refreshed admin design, a full screen editor for distraction free blogging
According to WordPress officials:
WordPress 3.2 in 40 words or less: WordPress comes with a refreshed admin design, a full screen editor for distraction free blogging, a new default HTML theme and an extended admin bar.