Facebook to help quit smoking


Facebook to help quit smoking

Aimed at helping the 120 million Indian smokers quit the habit of smoking, Nicorette will launch the first Facebook application. To be launched on the Independence Day, the new Nicorette Facebook application 'Nicorette Support is designed to help Indians gain independence from tobacco. By moving beyond the 'like' and 'wall' features of Facebook, Nicorette has attempted to maximize the true potential of social networking by reaching out in a personalized manner to people struggling to kick the butt and supporting and guiding them through the process.

The personalized approach of the 'Nicorette Support' application takes into consideration factors like each individual's quit timeline, reasons for quitting, smoking triggers and craving patterns. This information enables the application to perform the role of a supportive friend who understands the quitter's needs and supports him accordingly. The application can also help quitters find a 'quit buddy' who has a similar quit date or has kicked the butt around the same time to share experiences with. By feeding in moments of temptation when the craving is at its peak, quitters can track their temptation cycle, compare the where, how, when and use Facebook to make the whole process much more achievable and goal oriented.

Through this Application Nicorette will reach out to the 25 million plus Indian Facebook users and act like a trusted friend and partner through the quit journey.

Gautam Suri, General Marketing Manager, Consumer Division, Johnson & Johnson Ltd, states "Nicorette is not just a nicotine gum but a complete infrastructure and support system for smokers trying to overcome their addiction. With more than 46% of smokers intending to quit due to health hazards as per the Global Adult Tobacco Survey of India in 2009-10, Nicorette will play a critical role by helping consumers in the journey to quit."

The new Nicorette Facebook application enables a much needed feeling of community and also ensures higher chances of success. According to Dr. Prakash Chandra Gupta, Director, Healis - Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health, Mumbai and Visiting Scientist, Harvard School of Public Health, "Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man and therefore for a smoker to quit successfully it is imperative to get support. This initiative of Nicorette is a commendable attempt to use social media for a larger societal cause and promote a smoke free India."

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