How to search Vulnerable site

1-) First go to

2-) Press on the right, next to the textfield, on "Advanced Search".

Board Image

3-) Fill in your dork at "This exact wording or phrase".
    Results per page: 100 results (Or less depending on your internet speed.)
    Language: Could be all languages or one language. I choose Dutch
because I'm Dutch myself and I got a Dutch ISP so those sites will load
    Where your keywords show up: "in the URL of the page"

4-) Press search.

5-) Now we get this:

Board Image

6-) Press on about 10 links with your middle mouse (scrollbar) so each page will be opened in a new tab.

7-) Open the tabs and add as example a single quote behind the link.

8-) If it's vulnerable continue your injection else repeat step 5 -> 6.

Very easy (:

With this method I can find about 30 vulnerable websites in less than 2 hours and a few websites to upload a shell to.