JavaScript: the good old (with a trick)

The JavaScript method is one of most used in web sites. To be honest, it has been a little bit overused in the past and today lightbox effects are preferred. However I still use it, especially when displaying a large image.
In this article I will show you how to open a new window and resize it appropriately.

The opening
First of all, we have to decide which element will open a new window. Imagine we want to open a new window when the user clicks on an image. The window will contain a larger image. Our small picture will be something like:
When the user clicks on the image, the popupImg function will be called.
If you prefer, we can use the onClick event:

The function
The open() method has a simple syntax. We are talking about a method applied to the window object: (URL, windowName[, windowFeatures])
URL is the URL of the page to be opened;
windowName  is the name or target of the new window. It can be:
    _blank  -  a new window;
    _parent  -  the URL is loaded in the parent window;
    _self  -  the URL replaces the window;
    _top  -  the URL replaces the frame set;
    name - the name of the window;
windowFeatures  are features assigned to the new window. Those features can be:
    status  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes) - display the status bar;
    titlebar  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes) - display the title bar;
    toolbar  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes) - display the tool bar;
    menubar  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes) - display the menu bar;
    height  -  in pixels - determine the height;
    width  -   in pixels - determine the width;
    top  -   in pixels - determine the top position;
    left  -  in pixels - determine the left position;
    location  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes) - display the address bar;
    fullscreen  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is no) - display in full screen or not;
    channelmode  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is no and for IE only) - display in theater mode or not;
    directories  -  can be yes, no, 0 or 1 (default is yes and for IE only) - display directories button or not.

We are going to use some of those optional features.

The popupImg function
Let's see the function:
function popupImg(url)
The function has a parameter: the url we passed when the function is called ("images/gallery/big/01.jpg" in our example). That's where we get the content of the new window.
    prev ="","_blank","resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no");;
We open the new window using the open() method and pass just a few optional parameters. What we basically do is open a new blank window, with "_blank". This will make open a new and empty window.
Then we start writing inside the new window inserting the and . We open the <body> tag and give it a few parameters.<br /><blockquote><code>    prev.document.writeln("<script type='text/javascript'>");<br />    prev.document.writeln("function completeImg() {");<br />    prev.document.writeln("i = document.getElementById(\"imm\");");<br />    prev.document.writeln("window.resizeTo(i.width + 6, i.height + 80);");<br />    prev.document.writeln("window.moveTo((screen.width - i.width) / 2, (screen.height - i.height) / 2);");<br />    prev.document.writeln("}");<br />    prev.document.writeln("</script>");</code></blockquote>The previous part is inserting a JavaScript script, with a function called completeImg. The function will resize the window and move it to the center of the screen, once the image is completely loaded. <br /><blockquote><code>    prev.document.writeln("<a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">");<br />    prev.document.writeln("<img src=\""+url+"\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" id=\"imm\" name=\"imm\" onload=\"return completeImg();\">");<br />    prev.document.writeln("</a>");</code></blockquote>The previous part is inserting the image surrounded by an <a> tag so that when the user click the image, the new window will close. Then there's the completeImg function called when the image is loaded (onLoad).<br /><blockquote><code>    prev.document.writeln("</body>");<br />    prev.document.writeln("</html>");<br />    prev.document.close();<br />}</code></blockquote>Finally we close everything. <br /><br />The example shown should be considered as an exercise. I actually use it sometimes and it works very well. You should check the part which resizes and centers the new window, because you may need to adjust it a bit, considering the size of your image.<br /><br />Hope you find it useful. <div div='adsense-content' style='display:block;text-align: center'> </div></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function insertAfter(addition,target) { var parent = target.parentNode; if (parent.lastChild == target) { parent.appendChild(addition); } else { parent.insertBefore(addition,target.nextSibling); } } var adscont = document.getElementById("adsense-content"); var target = document.getElementById("adsense-target"); var linebreak = target.getElementsByTagName("br"); if (linebreak.length > 0){ insertAfter(adscont,linebreak[1]); } </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function insertAfter2(addition2,target2) { var parent = target.parentNode; if (parent.lastChild == target) { parent.appendChild(addition); } else { parent.insertBefore(additionn,targett.nextSibling); } } var adscont = document.getElementById("adsense-content2"); var target = document.getElementById("adsense-target"); var linebreak = target.getElementsByTagName("br"); if (linebreak.length > 0){ insertAfter(adscont,linebreak[3]); } </script> </div> </div> </article> <div class='hreview' style='display:none'> <span class='item'> <span class='fn'>JavaScript: the good old (with a trick)</span> <img alt='JavaScript: the good old (with a trick)' class='photo' src=''/> </span> Reviewed by <span class='reviewer'>0x000216</span> on <span class='dtreviewed'> Tuesday, August 02, 2011 <span class='value-title' title='Tuesday, August 02, 2011'></span> </span> Rating: <span class='rating'>5</span> </div> <div style='clear:both'></div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='label-head'> <span>Tags :</span> </div> <div class='share-art'> <a class='facebook' href=' the good old (with a trick)' onclick=', 'windowName', 'width=600, height=400, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); return false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-facebook'></i><span>Share it</span></a> <a class='twitter' href=' the good old (with a trick)' onclick=', 'windowName', 'width=600, height=400, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); return false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-twitter'></i><span>Tweet it</span></a> <a class='googleplus' href=' the good old (with a trick)' onclick=', 'windowName', 'width=600, height=400, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); return false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-google-plus'></i><span>Share it</span></a> <a class='linkedin' href=' the good old (with a trick)' onclick=', 'windowName', 'width=600, height=400, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); return false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-linkedin'></i><span>Share it</span></a> <a class='pinterest' href=' JavaScript method is one of most used in web sites. 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window.scrollBy(a, i) : (a && (e.scrollLeft += a), i && (e.scrollTop += i)), t || o || (M = []), M.length ? E(u, e, n / v.frameRate + 1) : T = !1 }; E(u, e, 0), T = !0 } } function n(e) { x || t(); var n =, r = l(n); if (!r || e.defaultPrevented || s(w, "embed") || s(n, "embed") && /\.pdf/i.test(n.src)) return !0; var a = e.wheelDeltaX || 0, i = e.wheelDeltaY || 0; return a || i || (i = e.wheelDelta || 0), !v.touchpadSupport && f(i) ? !0 : (Math.abs(a) > 1.2 && (a *= v.stepSize / 120), Math.abs(i) > 1.2 && (i *= v.stepSize / 120), o(r, -a, -i), void e.preventDefault()) } function r(e) { var t =, n = e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey && e.keyCode !== H.spacebar; if (/input|textarea|select|embed/i.test(t.nodeName) || t.isContentEditable || e.defaultPrevented || n) return !0; if (s(t, "button") && e.keyCode === H.spacebar) return !0; var r, a = 0, i = 0, u = l(w), c = u.clientHeight; switch (u == document.body && (c = window.innerHeight), e.keyCode) { case H.up: i = -v.arrowScroll; break; case H.down: i = v.arrowScroll; break; case H.spacebar: r = e.shiftKey ? 1 : -1, i = -r * c * .9; break; case H.pageup: i = .9 * -c; break; case H.pagedown: i = .9 * c; break; case H.home: i = -u.scrollTop; break; case H.end: var d = u.scrollHeight - u.scrollTop - c; i = d > 0 ? d + 10 : 0; break; case H.left: a = -v.arrowScroll; break; case H.right: a = v.arrowScroll; break; default: return !0 } o(u, a, i), e.preventDefault() } function a(e) { w = } function i(e, t) { for (var o = e.length; o--;) z[N(e[o])] = t; return t } function l(e) { var t = [], o = S.scrollHeight; do { var n = z[N(e)]; if (n) return i(t, n); if (t.push(e), o === e.scrollHeight) { if (!y || S.clientHeight + 10 < o) return i(t, document.body) } else if (e.clientHeight + 10 < e.scrollHeight && (overflow = getComputedStyle(e, "").getPropertyValue("overflow-y"), "scroll" === overflow || "auto" === overflow)) return i(t, e) } while (e = e.parentNode) } function u(e, t, o) { window.addEventListener(e, t, o || !1) } function c(e, t, o) { window.removeEventListener(e, t, o || !1) } function s(e, t) { return (e.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() } function d(e, t) { e = e > 0 ? 1 : -1, t = t > 0 ? 1 : -1, (k.x !== e || k.y !== t) && (k.x = e, k.y = t, M = [], C = 0) } function f(e) { if (e) { e = Math.abs(e), D.push(e), D.shift(), clearTimeout(A); var t = D[0] == D[1] && D[1] == D[2], o = h(D[0], 120) && h(D[1], 120) && h(D[2], 120); return !(t || o) } } function h(e, t) { return Math.floor(e / t) == e / t } function m(e) { var t, o, n; return e *= v.pulseScale, 1 > e ? t = e - (1 - Math.exp(-e)) : (o = Math.exp(-1), e -= 1, n = 1 - Math.exp(-e), t = o + n * (1 - o)), t * v.pulseNormalize } function p(e) { return e >= 1 ? 1 : 0 >= e ? 0 : (1 == v.pulseNormalize && (v.pulseNormalize /= m(1)), m(e)) } var w, g = { frameRate: 150, animationTime: 800, stepSize: 120, pulseAlgorithm: !0, pulseScale: 8, pulseNormalize: 1, accelerationDelta: 20, accelerationMax: 1, keyboardSupport: !0, arrowScroll: 50, touchpadSupport: !0, fixedBackground: !0, excluded: "" }, v = g, b = !1, y = !1, k = { x: 0, y: 0 }, x = !1, S = document.documentElement, D = [120, 120, 120], H = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, spacebar: 32, pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36 }, v = g, M = [], T = !1, C = +new Date, z = {}; setInterval(function() { z = {} }, 1e4); var A, N = function() { var e = 0; return function(t) { return t.uniqueID || (t.uniqueID = e++) } }(), E = function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function(e, t, o) { window.setTimeout(e, o || 1e3 / 60) } }(), K = /chrome/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), L = "onmousewheel" in document; L && K && (u("mousedown", a), u("mousewheel", n), u("load", t)) }(); //]]> </script> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ /*GLOBAL SETTINGS, USER CAN CHANGE*/ var MONTH_FORMAT = [, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var NO_IMAGE = ""; var POST_PER_PAGE = 9; // number of posts per page "navigation" var LABEL_SEARCH_NUM = 9; // number of posts labels search var POSTNAV_PREV_TEXT = "Previous"; // post nav text "previous post" var POSTNAV_NEXT_TEXT = "Next"; // post nav text "next post" var COMMENTS_TEXT = "Leave a Comment"; // comments text "leave a comment" // Main Scripts $("#LinkList110").each(function() { var e = "<ul id='nav'><li><ul id='sub-menu'>"; $("#LinkList110 li").each(function() { var t = $(this).text(), n = t.substr(0, 1), r = t.substr(1); "_" == n ? 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