Lexington Soft named as Official Reseller by Corensic


Corensic Inc has partnered with Lexington Soft Pvt. Ltd. targeting the software market segment in South Asia. Corensic helps organizations deliver and deploy higher quality software. Corensic's product Jinx is a software quality tool for testing multithreaded program. It helps developers, testers, and IT organizations improve the reliability of their mission-critical software and finds concurrency errors in parallel applications. It significantly improves the software development process by reducing the amount of time developers spend hunting for elusive errors in multithreaded applications in a multi-core environment.

With the continued growth of the software industry in India, there is also a growing concern about software quality and integrity. The testing methodologies and tools of the past don't do a very effective job of finding complex concurrency errors in multithreaded applications. Management in Indian firms recognizes the need for software quality and is always trying to move up the value chain by developing new methodologies and acquiring the right software development tools with a focus on quality.

Dinesh Dulipsingh, Managing Director, Lexington Soft Pvt. Ltd said, "We are excited to be a reseller for Corensic Inc., whose software helps software developers and QA professionals identify and fix those hard to find concurrency defects in their applications and build higher quality software".

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