Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in BlackBerry Server

Vulnerabilities can be find in on any server and application, even the big companies are not secure you can find vulnerabilities on their servers. BlackBerry, I think there is no need to introduce BlackBerry a high risk vulnerability has been found on BlackBerry Enterprise server components that process images could allow remote code execution.

RIM has released a security warning with advisory about a hole on BlackBerry server that can be use by an attacker to compromise a system remotely. The vulnerabilities have a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 10.0 (high severity). Vulnerabilities exist in components of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server that process PNG and TIFF images for rendering on the BlackBerry smartphone.

To exploit these vulnerabilities in how the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service processes PNG and TIFF images, an attacker would need to create a specially crafted web page and then persuade the BlackBerry smartphone user to click a link to that web page. The attacker could provide the link to the user in an email or instant message.

Affected Software

  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0.1 through 5.0.3 MR2 for Microsoft Exchange
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0.1 through 5.0.3 MR2 for IBM Lotus Domino
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.1.7 and version 5.0.1 through 5.0.1 MR3 for Novell GroupWise
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express version 5.0.1 through 5.0.3 for Microsoft Exchange
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express version 5.0.2 and 5.0.3 for IBM Lotus Domino
BlackBerry smartphones and the device software's are not affected so as a end user you dont need to worry about it.

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