Sophos announces midyear threat report


Sophos has announced the midyear threat report of high-profile hacking attacks against governments and corporations have dominated the security landscape in 2011. The result is that other security issues which could pose a greater threat to businesses, governments and consumers such as fake anti-virus, search engine poisoning and social networking scams have received far less attention therefore slipped beneath the radar. With a new malware threat seen almost every half second, it's vital to understand how these new threats work and how to build the proper defenses.

"2011 has seen a continued massive uptick in the volume of malware in which the Web is the dominant vector for both targeted and mass-scale attacks. The virulence of attacks such as fake AV requires a prompt move by IT organizations and consumers to employ more layered Web protection and defenses to reduce the attack surface of the devices they use." said, Mark Harris, VP, SophosLabs.

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