Dissertation written in Microsoft Word: some tips

Preface indexed in the main Table of contents

After creating the table of contents you want also to insert the index of tables, index of figures, preface and etc in the table  of contents but not numerated like the other chapters?

Follow this:
Create a new style identical to the one you currrently use for the chapter numeration, but without setting any numberation in the properties
See this video to know how to create a new style

Once cloned the style update the table of contents, everything will appear
See also http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-word/numbering-chapters-but-not-preface-in-word-2010/760e1498-d133-4ead-b8a7-a5fe1af3bb03

Numbering pages with Romans numbers and Arabics numbers for the rest of the document

No words to add to this amazing video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1WtKR6FDM4

How to build an index (which goes at the end of the document and is useful to look for some keywords)


Updating the cross referencing in one shot
press F9