Ethical Hacking Blog Re Designed

Hello readers you have seen the changes in Yes Ethical Hacking blog has been resigned successfully, we was facing some problem with the previous theme and we also got so many request from our readers about to update the stuffs.

There are not a single reason behind this changes, from this article we have redesigned and update our motive, aim, planning and the way of blogging. If you are a new user and have not experienced with our previous look than you can check it via google cache and below is the snapshot of the previous look.

From this point Ethical hacking is a blog that contain

  • Ethical hacking/penetration testing tips and tricks

  • Tips to protect yourself from hacking attacks

  • Digital security awareness stuffs

  • Operating system tips and tricks

  • News from Information security field

  • Appreciate guest blogger to participate

This up gradation is not only limited with the theme we have updated DNS server and we have extended our team. The up-gradation is on going precess and there is a chance that we will loss some of the comments, so if this will happen than we want apologize from our readers.

If you want to share something about the up-gradation and if you have any tips and tricks that will make a better place for the learners than do share it with us via comment box.

As we always encourage guest authors to join and to write about information security, so this a invitation to all the geek to write and share their words. Now you can write on various topics like you can share some tips about Android, iOS for Iphone and MAC too. The policy and the terms for writing guest article check the write for us page.

Note: If you want to learn more about Linux and Windows based Penetration testing, you might want to subscribe our RSS feed and Email Subscription  or become our Facebook fan! You will get all the latest updates at both the places.