KDE 4.7.1 Arrives

A month has passed since KDE 4.7.0 got released, so it's time for a monthly update for KDE 4.7.x branch providing maintenance updates and translations updates for people who have used KDE 4.7.0 releases.

Even though KDE 4.7.1 hasn't yet shipped within Slackware-Current, you can try this packages by downloading them from Eric Hameleer's KTown repository since he already announced it on his blog. He has added a warning for those who wanted to try this packages under Slackware 13.37 or older: use it on your own risk. He didn't test it outside Slackware-Current.

There were some updates in the deps/ directory compared to previous KDE 4.7.0 release and this has been mentioned by Eric as well on the README file.

One interesting package that Eric added was Quanta Plus that came as a plugin for KDevelop package. This will surely brings past memories about Quanta that was shipped under KDE 3 and many people like this tool and they surely miss this package when migrating to KDE 4. It took a long time to have this package reborn again, but i guess it's a worthed updated. Try this tool if you used it in the past.

As usual, KDE 4.7.1 packages can be downloaded from this repositories:
My repository is now complete, so you should be able to start syncing from UKDW's repository if you are located in Indonesia Evil Grin