Lulzsec- Lulz Security Wiki

Lulz security or Lulzsec was the famous hacker group that has been involved in the various high profile hacking attack, they are involve in hacktivism and have an affiliation with anonymous and AntiSec hacker groups. You have been heard a lot of news and views about Lulzsec in the websites and on the TV.

In this article I have decided to write something about Lulzsec, or you can say that this article will take a deepest look inside the Lulzsec profile. In this article I will try to analysis the group members the aim and try to get some information from there web server.

Official Website of Lulzsec

Ofiicial website of lulzsec was and is, they have shared there released on that, let suppose we want to ping to the server.

On this ping I have used “www” than we can see that the ping has not provide real IP of the server because the server is protected by They are using some sort of DNS tricks so that if we ping with “www” we can get other result.

By looking at the two picture we can say that cloudflare has assigned two IP addresses (Fake) to
Here is the more relevant information that I have got by using TheHarvester:
['', '', '', '']
[+] Emails found:
[+] Hosts found

LulzSec Members

By doing a little research and some Social engineering technique you can get the information about group members and affiliation for this type of information gathering twitter and facebook play an important role.
Lulzsec has six core members:
  • Sabu (Might be Leader)
  • Topiary (Media representative)
  • Kayla (DOS or DDOS expert)
  • T-flow (Coder,web developer, Scammer)
  • Avunit
  • Pwnsauce
How the Lulzsec master mind caught? Lulzsec is now no longer be active but they has released their last message called 50 days of Lulz.

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