2 Indian Government Websites Hacked By KhantastiC HaXor

A Pakistani Hacker KhantastiC HaXor has Hacked 2 India's Government websites. The Hacker had added a message to Indian Hackers which had hacked Pakistani Education Website to stay away from Pakistani websites. The message which was added on those Indian Government websites was:

!]#r00t3d By KhantastiC HaXor!!
# Khan@bt HellO GayHind PeoPle , Where is Security Now ?!
Are U Hacked ? Yesh ! U have been Hacked !!!
not because of your stupidity
thats because some Indian Gays hacked our Paki sites !
so just here to warn you, that you have been pwnd by Pakistani hacker
This is not a joke or dream, this is fucking reality, kids.
This is now just a warning, of what I have not done yet. I have not damaged anything
will not leak any info, and will not misuse it. I mean no harm, unless you Indian guys stop hacking Pakistani websites.
I ll simply state that you will never ever be able to handle or stop us.
Don't mess again wid Pakistani websites otherwise you gays know uss !!!
Greet'z 2 All Friend'z
rm -rf /planet/world/earth/india
echo "The world is a better place now!"
Hey Admin: sorry, nothing harmed, just logs deleted

The websites which where hacked are:
