Anonymous DDOS Oakland police site after violence

Cyber activists associated with Anonymous have targeted the Oakland Police Department (OPD) and other law enforcement agencies that participated in a controversial crackdown against OccupyOakland protestors. A DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attack against the department's is underway, and the website currently is unreachable.

AnonyOps tweet "I'm amazed and proud of #occupyOakland protesters who stood defiant, peaceful in the face of lethal force by Oakland PD."

Police fired a number of tear gas canisters, concussion grenades, rubber bullets and non-lethal rounds at demonstrators on Tuesday night, drawing widespread condemnation for the use of heavy-handed tactics against unarmed civilians.Cyber activists associated with Anonymous have targeted the Oakland Police Department (OPD) and other law enforcement agencies that participated in a controversial crackdown against OccupyOakland protestors. A DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attack against the department's is underway, and the website currently is unreachable.

AnonyOps tweet "I'm amazed and proud of #occupyOakland protesters who stood defiant, peaceful in the face of lethal force by Oakland PD."

Police fired a number of tear gas canisters, concussion grenades, rubber bullets and non-lethal rounds at demonstrators on Tuesday night, drawing widespread condemnation for the use of heavy-handed tactics against unarmed civilians.