Calling all Brits who love IP: can you help Emily by 4pm today?

Ever willing (i) to promote the bright side of intellectual property and (ii) to help a damsel in distress, this Kat has been stirred into immediate action by a cri de couer cueor coeur from Emily Jones. Emily lives in Room 1LO1 of the UK's Intellectual Property Office (IPO) at Concept House and she has been tasked with a responsibility so great that only an entire team of fictional cats and the international federation of IP bloggers and tweeters can help rescue her from her plight.

In short, the IPO is hosting a free WIPO 'British Day' for Patents on 13 October [that's next week] at its London office. Unfortunately, as Emily explains, the deadline for applying is 4pm this afternoon [that's today]. As Emily tells the Kats,
"It'll be a great opportunity for patent attorneys and other users of the PCT to discuss its policy and practice. 
Er ... do you think you could possibly publicise it for us before 4pm today?"
Essentially, the IPO -- like all British public sector institutions -- is working flat out to provide its usual excellent service in the face of massive public spending cuts. Accordingly it has no advertising budget, except for the amount of money it costs Emily to email the IPKat.  If this fails to attract enough people to register by 4pm, the IPO may be forced to put Emily up for sale and to put the proceeds towards the cost of a sign on the door that says "We told you we didn't have a decent budget -- but you wouldn't believe us".

Details are available here.