Facebook Said 600K+ Accounts Are Being Compromised Per Day

According to the infographic blog post of Facebook they said about 600,000 log-ins per day are compromised. That's given some the false impression that there are that many accounts compromised every day. 
While Facebook does block (approximately) 600,000 log-ins per day, it is not that these Facebook accounts are compromised on Facebook, and certainly not that they're 'hacked' as some have written. There may be compromised accounts that appear on Facebook, but more often than not they are compromised off of Facebook--they use the same password for e-mail as Facebook, they get phished, etc. Compromised in this sense refers to log-ins where we are not absolutely confident that the account's true owner is accessing the account and we either preemptively or retroactively block access. 

The statistic was revealed in an infographic published alongside an official Facebook blog post trumpeting new security features introduced by the firm. The new security features include Trusted friends (called "Guardian angels" in the infographic).
Facebook says that you will be able to nominate three to five "trusted" friends who can help you if you have a problem accessing your account - if, for instance, someone else has changed its password and locked you out of your email account. The idea is that if you need to login to Facebook but can't access your email account, Facebook will send codes to your friends that they can pass on to you.

For more information and to download the Facebook security infographic Click Here