Motorola DroidX - Updated to Android 2.3.3 on 10/3/2011

Late last night, the Motorola DroidX operating system updated from Androidv2.2.3 Froyo to Androidv2.3.3 Gingerbread.  This new update brings a stylish new look, a sleek interface, and an optimized home bar. Overall, this updated OS brings about more streamlined interaction, although there still are a few bugs, such as managing the keyboard with text messages. The style of the update also seems much darker, which I personally enjoy.  Unfortunately, it seems to take a much heavier toll on battery, draining it almost 1/3 faster throughout a fairly average day.  If you use the DroidX and noticed this update, comment and let me know your thoughts on GingerBread Android v 2.3.3! A superb list of features can be found at the Android Developers page.