NAV 2009, 2009 SP1 and 2009 R2 in Same Machine Continued...

Hi all,

As promised in earlier post  that I will try to figure out the way to run classic report from Role Tailored client which is not installed on my machine.
One of my post  I explained that from where Role Tailored client find the path of classic client, I am just using that.
My machines have NAV 2009 SP1 Installed. I went to registry editor (regedit.exe) to find the key where the information of classic client in stored.

As you can see in the screen shot above (FOR WIN 7) that the information about classic client is stored in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CurrentVersion\App Paths\finsql.exe
Go to File & select Export and save the registry file on desktop with Name say NAV Classic for NAV 2009 SP1. Now open the file in notepad.

The selected line shows the path of finsql that need to start when we execute a report whose RTC Layout is not created.
Let’s change the file and make changes for other versions (NAV 2009 & NAV 2009 R2) classic default Path.
I saved the file with name NAV Classic for 2009 & NAV Classic for 2009 R2 and here how they looks.

Let’s create a new Report in NAV 2009 R2 say Test Report and try to run that report from RTC.
As expected I got the error.

Now let’s add information for classic client in Registry for NAV 2009 R2. For this just double click the registry file that we have created for NAV 2009 R2.
An Warning will appear, click yes.

Now let’s again try to run that report. (during this operation the RTC Client should be closed).

And it’s done.

You can restore the path of default version but just clicking on the registry file that we have saved in the first step.
Thanks & Regards,
Saurav Dhyani