The Ugly Face of the Gandhis

he Indian National
Congress is probably the most unique political party in the world. No, not
because it is headed by a woman who holds a foreign passport (and not an Indian passport),  and certainly not because it is a party with a ruling dynasty.

The INC is unique
because it has an unstated and unwritten rule that if the member aspires to a
leadership role, at any level, (s)he has to be sycophant par excellence. Nothing
that is critical of the Gandhi Family (with a Capital 'F') can ever be said; the
party leader brooks no dissent against her dictatorial ways.

Without a nod from the
Gandhis, none of the party's members, be they ministers or organisational
workers, can dare open their mouths. The only time they can do so is to extol
the greatness of Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi, the incomparable sacrifice of Sonia
Maino (said to be the name on her Italian passport) in giving up prime ministerial
aspirations, and the dynamic leadership of their Rahul Baba.

If there is one reason
why self-respecting Indians (except for the kow-towing Congress workers) have
come to lose all respect for the Gandhis, it is Digvijay Singh. 

Digvijaya Singh is
anything but a careless speaker: his remarks are tongue-in-cheek; his targets
are people who are making life difficult for the Gandhis in particular and the
INC in general. 

Diggy Raja's actions
speak for his penchant for sycophancy of the Gandhis. To appease the Muslim
community, the Congress' traditional vote bank, he went to Azamgarh, a village in Uttar Pradesh known as the nursery
of radical Islamists. Speaking at the village mosque, he abused a brave Delhi
policeman who was killed in a police encounter with Islamist terrorists. He
claimed that the slain policeman was corrupt and was killed by a police bullet
and not by the terrorists, so that his family could claim compensation from the

Ever since the India Against Corruption movement started, Diggy Raja has been digging out dirt and leveling allegations of corruption against Team Anna members. (I am not a fan of Anna Hazare; but I will save that story for some other day.) He has not been able to produce any evidence in support of his allegations.

Today Diggy Raja
tweeted his ABC theory: “Plan A -
Baba Ramdev. Crashed. Plan B- Anna. ? Plan C - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar soon to
start his campaign.”

Diggy Raja said that "the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was trying
to bring in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in their campaign against the government,
while urging the spiritual guru not to get involved in this... The RSS had
earlier brought in yoga guru Baba Ramdev and social activist Anna Hazare in the
campaign... The RSS is doing this to divert the country's attention from its
terror activities." 

And how has the yoga guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar responded
to Digvijay’s ‘ABC plan’ tweet? The yoga guru said that Diggy Raja's comment is not worth responding
too and that he doesn’t fear any one and will continue to raise his voice
against the malice of corruption. In fact, he has advised Diggy Raja to enroll for the
‘Art of Living’ course.

Do you think a senior leader like Digvijay Singh can dare level such bizarre allegations
against highly-respected citizens without Sonia Gandhi’s permission? 

Sonia is firing salvos
against people who are trying to bring in a positive change in our
corruption-riddled polity and society. And she is firing these salvos from the shoulders
of one of her most trusted sycophants: Diggy Raja. 

Diggy Raja represents
the worst in our political system: opportunistic, corrupt, spineless, and No.1
vote bank appeaser. 

Diggy Raja is just the
mask on the ugly faces of the Gandhis. 


Click on the video below to see Diggy Raja addressing OBL as "Osamaji".