Epson unveils its See-Through Mobile Viewer


Epson unveils its See-Through Mobile Viewer

Epson has unveiled its first generation of see-through multimedia glasses. The Moverio BT-100 is said to offer the ability to watch a variety of content through transparent lenses, ensuring users can remain aware of their surroundings, while viewing content in total privacy.

The pocket-sized control unit with its Android 2.2 platform claims to offer web browsing capability allowing users to watch a variety of content from most websites including MPEG 4 videos, files or applications and side by side 3D viewing on the move. As well as powering the BT-100, this smartphone-sized box has dedicated buttons for common functions and a touch-sensitive trackpad for ease of use. The Moverio BT-100 is believed to be easy to use and comes with Wi-Fi connectivity, control unit, detachable headphones, 4GB SD card, internal1GB memory and a carry case.

Valerie Riffaud-Cangelosi, Sr. Business Manager, Epson Europe said, "As a business, Epson is focused on innovation and identifying and catering for future technology trends - and we are particularly excited about the opportunities for bringing wearable see-through technology to market. This wearable content viewing device offers users the opportunity to watch content on the go, without being cut off from their surrounding environment. The BT-100 is the first generation of this kind of innovative conceptual product that we are committed to developing further and delivering real customer value.

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