Frost & Sullivan report revealed


A new research report from Frost & Sullivan presents that with rapidly increasing usage of server virtualization, enterprises across Asia Pacific are now looking at Ethernet fabric technology to help fully realize the benefits of business agility, operational efficiencies and lower costs. Commissioned by Brocade, Think flat with Ethernet Fabric - Importance of a Flat Network Architecture in Cloud Implementation is based on findings from a survey of 328 IT decision-makers from across the region.

The report revealed that two-thirds of the organizations surveyed have adopted server virtualization, of which 46 percent are now running production environments on virtual machines. More than a third of respondents said their organizations planned to pilot an Ethernet fabric architecture within the next six months and a further 25 percent said they intended to do so within 12 months.

John McHugh, Chief Marketing Officer of Brocadesaid, "What jumps out from this new report is just how fast Asia Pacific enterprises are now moving towards cloud computing architecture. They are certainly not all there yet but road-maps are in place and there is a high level of awareness about the issues they need to address. Creating a data center networking architecture that is simple, secure, flat and virtualized is a top priority for the region's IT decision makers."

With virtualization initiatives underway at most companies covered by the Frost & Sullivan survey, 35 percent of respondents said their organizations had already adopted some form of cloud computing with private clouds more common than either the public or hybrid cloud delivery models. While software-as-a-service adoption has been steadily growing in Asia Pacific in the past decade, Frost & Sullivan's analysts found adoption of cloud-enabled infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service seeing a huge spurt in the past 12 months.

Andrew Milroy, Vice President - ICT Practice for Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific said, "Rolling out cloud computing is complex, which is why it is recommended that organizations address the data center network challenges head on rather than waiting for bottlenecks to appear."

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