Password Cracking & Online Casino

Authentication is the first step to measure the security of a website, a computer and a network, different websites are using password based authentication process for the security of their users even you are using password based security for your bank account, poker account, email account and so on. So before deciding and logging in to a site or domain we recommend you to read more of what the site offer and how secure could you be in case you'll be registering.

These points identify the importance of password but what if someone get your username and password than he/she can get the full administrator access into your account. This is not a joke because passwords are at the hit list of hackers, an attacker can easily crack or even hack your password.

The most common types of attack for cracking a password are:

Dictionary based attack
Brute force attack

In all the cases an  attacker take an advantage of a weak password , Guessing is the most common and easiest attack in which an attacker manually try some combination for your password that reflect your
daily routine, your hobbies and so on, here is the list of the stuffs that an attacker usually use while trying to guess a password.

Your name
Your parent's name
Your children (s) name
DOB (date of birth)
Phone number
Your love one name, number
Your hobbies
Your favorite star
Your favorite singer/actor/actress/movie name/drama name
Your city/country/town name
And so on

Most of the casino online players or user is not aware with the dark picture of cracking so they usually use weak passwords so that they easily remember it.

Dictionary based and brute force attack requires a strong word-list that contain:

Dictionary words
Most common passwords
Most famous places
Common names

A smart cracker usually create a wordlist according to the victim information, there are so many tools are available on the Internet to crack a password like brutus and THC-hydra are the most common.

THC hydra is the fats and flexible password cracking tool that can crack different protocls like HTTP, FTP, Telnet etc.

A typical example of password cracking by using brutus is as follows:

How to create a strong password:

Your password must greater than 8 characters
Your password must contain upper case and lower case alphabets
Your password must contain some numbers
Your password must have some special character
Never use same password for different accounts
Never use a password that is (are) related to you

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