Planet Slackware-ID Redirection

Since October 14, our Slackware-ID Planet no longer fetch feeds from the blogroll and shows any activities due to (possibly) cronjob not started on the hosting side. I have contacted the hosting provider, but i think they have their own problem, so i didn't ask the owner again (he gave free hosting for this domain, so i can't ask for more. He has been too generous for us).

Later, some member asked and i decided to send an email to the list asking whether we need an alternative hosting site for our domain. Several members responded positively and one of the member suggested Kavalinux and Kambing from UI (University of Indonesia). I asked for certain service and they gave me a trial period in Kavalinux in no time (less than 3 hours after i sent the email, i already got a username/password for their server).

I quickly installed PlanetPlanet into this server and managed to install it in no time. Then i uploaded the old configuration taken from our previous Planet Planet, but it ended with an error saying that it couldn't find the template file, even though the file exists. The same configuration works in my desktop, so i'm a little bit confused with it at wits end

As the last attempt, i tried to use the basic template and it worked Panic. I wonder what's going on with the template since it's definitely working on the old hosting, but not working on the new hosting. I will try to investigate it later, but for now, you can see the work in our new (temporary) URL:

Big thanks to Kavalinux for their hosting donations to the Indonesian Slackware Community Worship