Tata CRL announces HPC Expertise-On-Demand


Computational Research Laboratories Limited (CRL) has announced HPC Expertise-On-Demand.

The HPC Expertise-On-Demand offering is a collection of services covering HPC strategy development, HPC implementation planning, performance benchmarking, parallelization, code porting, code optimization, CUDA programming and GPU / FPGA based accelerator design. These offerings are available as stand-alone services and also as add-ons to our HPC Cloud offerings. Companies can sign up for these services, without necessarily making a commitment to use our HPC infrastructure.

Dr. Vipin Chaudhary, CEO, Tata CRL said, "After having closely worked with many customers, we saw HPC users struggling with the complexity and nuances of HPC. We have designed HPC Expertise-On-Demand service offering so that companies can focus on their innovation goals instead of getting lost in the maze of HPC technologies."

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