Crack It If You Can - A Challenge

Cryptography has been developed and are developing a lot, there are so many new techniques and algorithm available to encrypt a secret message. So I have decided to share something about the secret communication, let suppose you have received an image and the image might be contain some message that is hidden. It seems to be intelligence agency movies now suppose the same scenario I will give you the image and you need to find out the secret message. It is a little challenge that will surely improve your knowledge and skills.


  • See the image below
  • Try to crack or hack it than find the secret message
  • If you will find it than simply share it via comment box (if your answer will right than I will hold it so that other will try it)
  • If you will fail then you need not to worry because at the end of the challenge I will show the method to find the message
  • Do not forget to share it with your friends so that they will try

This image is a map but it has something strange, Crack it if you can.

Other announcement that I want to discuss it here is that list of the backtrack 5 tutorial has been updated all of these tutorial is also applicable on backtrack 5 r1 so there is no need to make a separate tutorial section for backtrack 5 r1.

List of the metasploit tutorial has also updated and one more thing do not use contact us form for your questions, ask your question via comment box so that I will reply as soon as possible. If you use contact us for your question than it means you are not going to receive your answer.

It is a very simple challenge and the method of cracking is very simple and I believe that most of you will do this.
Additional comments will be appreciated.

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