Hide Specific Department From Department Menu in Navision RTC

Hi all,

Today i came across a different type of query,where my client who is using Navision 2009 R2 RTC Client. He wanted to only Role specific jobs to all his users.

Yeah we have a hotfix for the same which can hide department button from the Role Center page and user can only see the task that he need to perform.

* Detail of the hotfix for hiding department from RTC can be found in this post.

But the query was that he don't want to hide the whole department button from the role center page. What he wanted that Users other than finance and Administration can only see all other department than these two.

He only wanted to hide Administration and Finance Menu from Department.

Unfortunately microsoft have no hotfix for the issue, so i created a suggestion for the same at Microsoft connect. If you think that this is importany than vote for it here. We will find it in new release of navision.

But while exploring this option i figured out that if the user wants to hide these two options from the department menu for all users than it can be done.

Lets see how we can do that. Lets go to classic client and design the RTC menusuit. Right click on the menu which you dont want to see. Select hide from Designer and save the menusuit.

Compile and save the menusuit and start RTC and click on Department tab. you will not find menu over there as shown in image below.

Thanks & Regards,
Saurav Dhyani