IIT- Delhi Alumnus brings Classpad- Education Tablet


A graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Indian Institute of Management- Calcutta, Rohit Pande has unveiled his latest innovation Classpad. Classpad has a touch screen with a 7 hour battery life, 1.3 Ghz processing speed and a built-in memory of 4 GB expandable upto 8 Gb.

Rohit Pande, CEO, Classteacher Learning Systems said," Our education system does not differentiate students according to the learning capabilities and teach them at the same level, but the software installed in Classpad tests students' problem solving, creativity and application of language skills. It provides them with personalized teaching as per their learning capabilities. Equipped with artificial intelligence, Classpad can help to categorize students as fast learners, average learners and slow learners. Classpad can assist in reducing the monotony of repetitive sessions in the classroom. Teachers can now complete their syllabus within schedule and get considerable time to focus on slow learners. Available for students in standard 3 to 12, Classpad can serve as an interactive e-reading device, with the capability of storing dozens of books. Equipped with distinctive software that is designed to integrate smoothly with existing school platforms, Classpad can easily be connected to the interactive whiteboards. The Classpad is available in 2 models: Trolley model for multiple student usage and one Tablet per Child (OTPC) model."

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