Kaspersky Lab forecasts Cyber Threat for 2012


Kaspersky Lab forecasts Cyber Threat for 2012

Kaspersky Lab has announced its "Cyber Threat Forecast for 2012", where the company details its predictions for the year ahead. According to experts at Kaspersky Lab, governments and large corporations all over the world should be wary of a growing cyber menace in 2012. Not only will there be a dramatic increase in the number of targeted attacks on state institutions and large companies, it is also likely that a wider range of organizations will bear the brunt of the expected onslaught.

The Kaspersky Lab forecast goes on to state that hacktivist attacks on state organizations and businesses will continue in 2012 and will have a predominantly political agenda. Alexander Gostev believes this will be an important trend when compared to similar attacks in 2011. However, hacktivism could well be used as a diversionary tactic to conceal other types of attacks.

In terms of mobile threats in 2012, Kaspersky Lab expects to see Google Android continue to be the target of choice for the mobile malware market as well as an increase in the numbers of attacks that exploit vulnerabilities. The emergence of the first mobile drive-by attacks and mobile botnets are also forecast. Mobile espionage will become widespread and will most probably include data theft from mobile phones and the tracking of people using their telephones and geo-location services.

Alexander Gostev, Chief Security Expert, Kaspersky Lab & Author of the report, said, "At the moment, the majority of incidents affect companies and state organizations involved in arms manufacturing, financial operations, or hi-tech and scientific research activities. Cyber threat Forecast for 2012." "In 2012, companies in the natural resource extraction, energy, transport, food and pharmaceutical industries will be affected, as well as Internet services and information security companies."

In his report, Alexander Gostev said, "The cyber conflicts in 2012 will revolve around traditional confrontations: the US and Israel versus Iran, and the US and Western Europe versus China. More basic weapons designed to destroy data at a given time, such as kill switches, logic bombs, etc. will become more popular as they are easier to manufacture."

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