Lenovo launches Do Network in India


Lenovo launches Do Network in India

Lenovo has launched Do Network in India, an online platform designed to inspire people to take action and turn their big ideas into positive outcomes. Lenovo will be setting up a Do Lab in India where the top 10 finalist teams will work with the mentors to discuss and refine their projects.

"Lenovo is a company focussed on action, and we create technology that appeals to people who don't just dream but get out there and accomplish things. Through the Do Network, we want to create not just a platform but a movement that brings Doers together to push the limits on collaboration and creation, and inspire them to unleash their great ideas and turn them into something meaningful and tangible for their communities," said Shailendra Katyal, Director - Marketing, Lenovo India.

The Do Network will comprise a series of four 90-day contest cycles, with different themes and thematic challenges introduced for each cycle. The first cycle will be based on the theme of "Innovation through Technology" and will run from now till March 7, 2012. Interested participants can submit their project ideas at http://donetwork.lenovo.com.

The mentors of Do network are Rajiv Makhni, Managing Editor for Technology at NDTV, New Delhi, India; Rajan Anandan, Managing Director, Google India, India; Mahesh Murthy, Managing Partner, Seedfund; and Kishore AK, CEO & Co-Founder, Althea System.

At the same time, Lenovo is launching the Do Network in Indonesia and Russia. In each country, the top 10 finalists will receive Lenovo branded equipment of up to US$2,000 each. In addition, the Grand Prize Winner in each country will receive a US$25,000 grant to continue working on their project.

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