OKI unveils EXaaS Centralized Call Reception Service


OKI has launched its EXaaS Centralized Call Reception Service, a new item on its EXaaS cloud computing service menu for financial institutions operating in Japan. The EXaaS Centralized Call Reception Service is said to reduce call-handling burdens at specific sites by offloading calls to a call center. Skilled operators take calls to achieve call-handling services of the highest quality and customer satisfaction.

In addition to providing standard call reception functions as a cloud service for customers seeking to centralize call reception operations without setting up their own facilities, EXaaS can be tailored to meet the specific needs of individual customers. This includes various optional general call center staffing needs.

Calls made to retail locations differ in various aspects, including site location, hours of operation, products, orders, and the nature of the requests and claims received. Handling all these calls often requires staff to drop their work, reducing work efficiency and increasing the likelihood of human error. Additionally, not all locations have the trained and skilled operators needed for appropriate call handling, leading to inconsistent service and lower customer satisfaction.

As options, OKI will also provide telephone banking and telemarketing functions that have proven track records at financial institutions. The EXaaS Centralized Call Reception Service also meets the requirements of BPO1 services.Through skilled operators and reports on customer requests and claims, OKI also plans to enhance service levels to allow customers to apply the service to strengthen sales activities and improve efficiency.

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