TEMA raises National Security Concern with Prime Minister


TEMA raises National Security Concern with Prime Minister

The Indian Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association (TEMA) in a communication to the Honorable Prime Minister, Government of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh and the Honorable Minster of Home Affairs Shri P Chidambaram raised the issue of susceptibility of the Indian telecommunication network to collapse at any critical juncture due to lack of initiative on the part of the UPA Government.

"The United States of America too has similar concerns as India's. They have taken the issue of large scale use of foreign made equipments in their telecom networks seriously. We are in a much worse condition, as almost all the critical sub systems of our nationwide telecom network have foreign equipment in it and we are not taking any concrete step in mitigating this potential threat which exists by promoting the use of indigenous equipments into the network, " said Ashok K. Aggarwal, Honorary Director General, Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association.

TEMA has further drawn attention towards the survey where the US Commerce Department has asked for a detailed accounting of foreign-made hardware/software on the service provider's network along with the information related to security incidents such as discovery of "unauthorized electronic hardware" or suspicious equipment capable of duplicating or redirecting data.

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