Trend Micro leads Worldwide Server Security Market Share


Trend Micro leads Worldwide Server Security Market Share

According to IDC's "Worldwide Endpoint Security 2011-2015 Forecast and 2010 Vendor" report Trend Micro maintains its lead in the corporate endpoint server security market with an estimated 23.7 percent market share.

The current overall IDC estimate for the server security market is $439.2 million, with a growth rate of 6.1 percent, and expected to reach $694.4 million by 2015. IDC noted in the report that the growth of mobile devices within the workplace, and the intersection of mobile and virtualization helped fuel the need in server security. Cloud adoption is also driving the upward trajectory of the server security market as enterprises seek to secure their cloud environments.

"This is further validation that worldwide, enterprises are looking to Trend Micro for their sever security needs. We are one of a few companies that provide a server security platform that spans physical, virtual and cloud environments. Our introduction of an agentless solution in conjunction with VMware has been a huge success," said Eva Chen, CEO.

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