14 lakh Aakash tablets booked in 14 days


14 lakh Aakash tablets booked in 14 days

Datawind has announced that they have received 14 lakh orders for their Aakash Tablet in within just 14 days. They have claimed to grossly underestimate the demand for this 7 inch resistive touchscreen tablet with a measly 366 MHz processor. Within 14 days, 14 lakh orders (1.4 million) have been placed online, which is a lakh orders per day.

According to market buzz, Datawind does not have the necessary manufacturing capacity nor the necessary logistics and supply chain to fulfill this demand. Currently, they have one manufacturing plant in Hyderabad. It is believed that to fulfill the 14 lakh orders that have been placed so far, it is said to take 70 days. As per the industry report, The Government of India has also demanded Datawind to be ready with the next lot of 90,000 tablets to be distributed to the educational institutes.

It is believed that Datawind is said to open three manufacturing units in India to meet the demand.

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