DFIROnline: Detecting Malware in an Acquired Image

The next DFIROnline meetup is on Thu, 19 Jan 2012, at 8pm EST.  Eric Huber and I will each be presenting, with my presentation being Malware Detection within an Acquired Image (the PDF for the presentation is linked below).  I thought that this would be a good presentation to give, as it seems to be fairly topical.  We'll be focusing on understanding malware and addressing malware detection within an image acquired from a Windows system.

For those attending the presentation tonight, I'm sure that Eric and Mike would appreciate questions, feedback, thoughts and comments.  During the presentation, please feel free to use the available chat windows for any interaction, and also feel free to contact folks via email during or after the presentations.

In particular, please feel free to either volunteer to give presentations, or to offer up ideas and/or requests for material to be covered in these presentations.  Who knows...there might be someone out there with some great material who simply doesn't think that anyone could possibly be interested in what they have to say...and all it takes is one or two people to send in, "...I'd really appreciate hearing more about this topic...".

Finally, a HUGE thanks to Mike for setting this up and providing the resources to make this event possible on a regular basis.

Presentation PDF for 19 Jan DFIROnline Meetup

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