HANSA shares MarketPulse


HANSA shares MarketPulse

HANSA, a leading market research company has launched the USA IT Outsourcing MarketPulse, a study to gauge market perceptions of Indian IT companies. The study with a wide sample of 1,200 respondents is believed to provide IT companies with the key insights needed to adapt and prosper in a changing marketplace. This proprietary survey is expected to be conducted by experienced US-based researchers with in-depth knowledge of the IT industry.

Anuradha Roy Chowdhury, Sr. VP, HANSA Research said, "We believe that findings from this study are going to be of tremendous value to IT companies outsourcing to the US. While this study offers a broad understanding of the IT decision maker universe, it also caters to companies operating in specific verticals or horizontals. For such organizations, we offer customized options that zero in on specific sectors and offer an in-depth understanding of decision makers within that sector."

US market shifts has claimed to suggest that IT outsource providers need to be close to customer needs and adapt to changing requirements. And key to winning, is estimated to gain the actual market voice on the competitive strengths and weaknesses of current IT outsource providers. MarketPulse is said to cover 500 enterprise businesses and 700 medium-sized businesses, and will be fielded to IT decision makers, influencers and users across a section of industries.

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