Huffington Post Official Twitter Account Hacked

Yet another high profile and verified twitter account get compromised. This time the victim is famous news portal Huffington Post. The hacker twitted "cloverfdch is a Fucking god! Hacked :)" & "New York Postrules!!!"  from the Huffington Post official twitter account.
Huffington Post representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment this morning but were apparently aware of the intrusion; the posts in question were quickly deleted from the site's Twitter page, although they still appear on subscribers' third-party Twitter clients.
Later Huffington Post  tweeted "Sorry about that, Twitterverse! We know we've been hacked and are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible,"
If you dig the decent past then you will find that hijacking twitter accounts has became a common phenomena. Earlier NBC NewsFox News PoliticsUSAToday, Lady Gaga’s Twitter AccountAnders Breivik’s twitterMahesh Bhatt twitter account became victim.