LibreOffice 3.4.5 Released

LibreOffice 3.4.5 has been released by The Document Foundation. It's a maintenance release, so no new features added, but you can expect bug fixes on this release. If you have a bug reported on previous release, you might want to check the first and second changelogs.

Eric has compiled LibreOffice 3.4.5 for Slackware users and upload it to his repository. Please enjoy this release as this might be the latest release for 3.4.x series as the developer are now working on the 3.5.x series and they even started the second bug hunting for LibreOffice 3.5 that will commence on January 21 and 22, 2012. The decided to put a second session after a successfull first session that generates 70 bug reports from over 150 volunteers.

The next major release of LibreOffice, 3.5.0 is scheduled to be released on February, meaning it's less than 3 weeks from now.