Sophos: Facebook to terminate its old look, makes Timeline mandatory for users


Sophos: Facebook to terminate its old look, makes Timeline mandatory for users

Sophos has revealed that Facebook is phasing out its old look in next few weeks and making the new profile format mandatory for all users - known as 'Timeline' - which presents a scrapbook of all past status updates and photographs. Sophos research claims that more than 50 percent of internet users are concerned about the Facebook profile update.

The online Sophos poll surveyed more than 4,100 global respondents on their opinion of the Facebook Timeline. Key findings from the research include- 51 percent are worried by the Facebook Timeline; Only 8 percent like the new Facebook Timeline; 8 percent say they will get used to it; and 32 percent still don't know why they are on Facebook.

Graham Cluley, Sr. Technology Consultant, Sophos said, "The Facebook Timeline will be a wake-up call to some that they have shared too much in the past, too freely. In my case, the Timeline was the catalyst to reassess my relationship with Facebook - and so I've killed my account. If nothing else, Facebook users should take this opportunity to re-evaluate what they share online. It is time to spring clean your Facebook account and online friend relationships, and ensures that you are only sharing what you want to share, with who you want to share it with. After all, a website which holds details on your entire life, likes and loves, is gold dust to scammers."

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