TrendMicro Securing SCADA Environments


TrendMicro Securing SCADA Environments

Trend Micro Inc. has announced that the software used in SCADA environments came under renewed scrutiny, as attack code exploiting dozens of serious vulnerabilities in widely used programs, was published.

Programs sold by Siemens, Iconics, 7-Technologies, Datac, and Control Microsystems were apparently affected. In some cases, the flaws may be used to remotely execute code when the so-called supervisory control and data acquisition software is installed on machines connected to the internet. Two separate organizations released the code. The published information includes proof-of-concept exploit code for at least 34 vulnerabilities in widely used SCADA programs.

SCADA is actually refers to any control system. If breached, it may pose a threat to national security, or perhaps just affect a manufacturing line. Protection for SCADA Networks needs to reflect the actual setting in which it is used.

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